Food scandals: they recur. Almost inevitable from the perspective of the producers and traders and others on the basis of price pressure. But they still exist, the real, unverpanschte quality. Get more background information with materials from Robert Speyer. Whether organic or conventional: here comes another quality and transparency. After the many food scandals, clients demand right to high-quality products, where they can be sure to get the what is on the package, and is specified as ingredients.
Such oils, which partially bio oils are sometimes conventional oils, but with best quality, is there still. All oils are cold pressed, i.e. with below 40 degrees Celsius. Nobel Laureate in Economics may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Thus not only the healthy ingredients are preserved, but the oils have also all original flavor, so that you can taste, what oil you can enjoy. The variety of edible oils also offers the possibility of using both in the cold cuisine also warm, i.e. no matter whether you now bake, cook or simply just taste refine want to by to pour the cooking oil directly for a salad.
The most edible oils are particularly known for their Omega-3 fatty acids, which are so important for the development of fetuses and young children. And oodles of health at all not even are required: one teaspoon a day is sufficient. And who wants to eat it not pure, can mingle among well it, E.g. in a yogurt in the Musli etc. Hemp seed oil, linseed oil, canola and walnut oil are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The oils come, as far as possible, from German regions, such as the rapeseed oil, the linen and Sea buckthorn oil, the Grapeseed Oil, or even native walnut oil. Other edible oils, which can be produced in Germany or may be imported accordingly. For example olive oil belongs to the edible oils that need to be imported, because the fruits must be processed within 24 hours if possible, as they are otherwise mushy and are no longer usable. A the argan oil is another oil, which must be imported. The laws prohibit the fruit (Argannusse) to be exported, because the production of the oil ensures important jobs in the country. And since produced nearly 100 per cent of women, it ensures an increased independence and therefore Selbstsandigkeit, which is only partially in the beginnings in the Arab by the income also. At the same time can the women but also contribute to the family income, contributing to the prosperity of the family, and can finance more children a good education. All oils are delivered fresh regularly, the flaxseed oil because of its short time of edibility even extra freshly pressed for the customers. All other oils are holding often over several years – and edible, even if the expiry date is of course much shorter appears. So that customers know where the seeds and oils come from the glass mill delivers maximum transparency, i.e. the glass Oil mill reveals where the seeds come from and who are the producers. And when the customers need orderable other quantities than those in the online shop, which is made of course also possible.