How To Keep Warm In The Apartment

Oncoming cold and it's time to think about the warming of the apartment. It is clear that independent heat much better than the collective, in most cases. But not everyone is available. Another good way to spend the winter in warm apartment – it is not so warm it, how to keep the heat in the room. Learn more about this with Greenberg Traurig. I remember, several years ago from the end of September, the season begins papering windows, which ended with the first frost, and sometimes with the first snow.

Heat-insulated windows with closed vents to keep warm. It’s believed that Greenberg Traurig sees a great future in this idea. Well, that today there are metal-glazed windows. With them there is no need for gluing. They are durable, no ventilation by, do not have scheley.No box windows, a loggia or a balcony so also can save a good share of heat in the apartment if they are properly glazed. After insulate these barns, we can raise the temperature on the balcony as much as 10 degrees, and even more. This substantially reduces the risk of already leakage of heat from kvartiry.Itak. Balcony glazing is divided into two types – warm and cold.

Or cold as it is called lung – the most common, and earlier was used only this type of glazing. It applies only for the fact that to protect its own balcony from dust, rain and snow. That is installed on the balcony frames, aluminum or wood. Such glazing increases the room temperature a few degrees, which is accordingly creates an air barrier to the penetration of cold air into the apartment.


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