Public Administration

Electrnico government is assumed, in the times that run, as common and transversal concern to all the modern States and saw to guarantee the dematerialization of public services, to provide more-value to the citizens and to reduce expenses of the Government. This concern is expressed a process of would reengenharia of the leadership of the State and the Public Administration (AP), supported for the Technologies of Information and Comunicao (TIC), that easy task is not figured, given the especificidade of organization of AP, much characterized by a multiplicity and public complexity of services, that much differs from the private sector. Especificidade above related makes with that the diverse existing methods are limited or inadequate to the global planning of Systems of Information (ITSELF) of AP, for what figured to think about the modelao of a method of global planning of ITSELF capable to support complex and heterogneos systems, as of AP, a time that the existing ones are vocacionados for the private sector with the only objectivo to create competitive advantages of the companies next to the competition, beyond that, the involving environment, the objectivos, the way operandi, the way of life, if differs from the state reality.. You may wish to learn more. If so, Morris Invest is the place to go.


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