The care team informed Dolphin from Mannheim a support is used increasingly by an out-patient care, so optimum care is ensured and can still move in his social and familiar environment. An out-patient care can be only then professionally implement, if certain nursing aids available. The nursing service explains what resources are there and how they are financed, Dolphin from Mannheim. What nursing AIDS be distinguished nursing aids to facilitate the care and/or bring about relief from the discomfort. Depending on the identified needs have dependent claims to the care and assistance with maintenance tools, regardless of what level of care is present. The costs incurred for the aid will be taken over by the maintenance fund.
However only if a dependency exists and exists no obligation of health insurance fund. The request to take over the costs for nursing AIDS can informally at the Provided care Fund. The nursing AIDS from the maintenance fund are divided into two categories. For one, there is the nursing AIDS specific to the consumption and on the other hand the technical nursing AIDS. Consumption, nursing AIDS – disinfectant – disposable gloves – mouthpiece – bed protection pads – incontinence supplies – as well as similar non-reusable products certain technical nursing AIDS – care beds – wheelchairs – lifting devices – pad for the positioning – lifter – House emergency call systems – Badewannen-or shower seat – night chairs, etc. For detailed information about all services of the care services available Dolphin from Mannheim anytime..