The Feeling

It also affects the academic performance of students. Kyriacou, in 1987, says that although the occupational stress is not specific faculty, various studies show that the burnout is a major problem in the teaching profession than in other professions with similar academic and personal demands. The collective education constitutes one of the main victims of depression, mental fatigue, stress and other ailments arising from them, as the so-called burning or burnout syndrome or psychic. Model of burnout most often used in the studies on teachers is the Maslach trifactorial model. Maslach and Jackson (1980, 1981, 1985 and 1986).

They claim that the burnout is a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low achievement or personal fulfillment at work. . Emotional fatigue, the feeling not be able to give more of himself to others, manifested by loss of energy, physical and/or psychological exhaustion and fatigue. Depersonalization, especially cold and distant attitude towards customers who acts as a defense mechanism to protect own exhaustion emotional, previously commented negative sentiment. Through this mechanism trafficking in distancing themselves from the members of the team being irritable, ironic even using derogatory labels to allude to clients or users. This attitude is a way to relieve the tension experienced by restricting the intensity of relationship with others to adapt to the situation.

Feeling of professional and personal inadequacy to the job, that arises in these professionals to verify that the labour demands exceed its capacity to deal with them effectively and competent. The main symptoms of Burnout do not appear suddenly, are part of the process of work wear; among them were the irritability and sudden changes of mood, chronic tiredness and lack of energy, disproportionate perception of own errors and inability to see labour successes, Unexcused absences to work, insomnia symptoms are part of a long list of ailments that give rise to the vicious circle of work-related stress. Teachers does not receive no specific training or any psychological preparation to face the lack of motivation of students and the lack of resources to solve the problems of group. That is why impotence to solve everyday conflicts cause psychological problems and labor tension. Along with this, poor educational conditions and lack of social recognition of the task of teaching influence decisively in the well-being of teachers. Original author and source of the article


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