Patricia Elfert commbonding Academy Rosengarten/Hamburg, 09.09.2009. Dogs are Patricia Elferts constant companion in everyday life as well as in the job. This is the goal of its new offer, to enable other dog owners a 1.5 day workshop, whose closing certified dogs as official working guide dogs. A unique offer in Germany. Unusual concepts are nothing new for the entrepreneur. Learn more about this with Stephen M. Ross. In its coachdogs training their own dogs are the professional assistant coach for people.
Teach communication, body language and expression, and give their knowledge mainly continue to senior executives. The dogs not in use, are just there you in the middle of the daily office routine. In our Office dogs under the desks often divided 8-10\”, Elfert said. Our now 6 own and recently also the 3 dogs of my assistant. Currently still the dog of our intern comes to.\” By hectic scenes still no trace. Well utilised by walks and Pause play are the four-legged Office Companion content on numerous pillows and spread peace.
People at their Office dogs appreciate that. The balance, which radiate and of course the joy, when engaged in the short game dog and colleague ingrained thoughts dissolve. Since stress has no chance\”Elfert and by the way, it is much healthier than a cigarette break\”. She took their own experiences as an opportunity for their action we are looking for the dog-friendly company 2008 \”. Together with HalloHund, the Petcommunity of Hubert Burda Media, she called on companies, to tell about their experiences with the dog in the Office. More than 40 companies, agencies, offices or shops took part, including Google. The Office dog is officially accepted by us, provided it is spoken in the team, no allergies speak against it\”, so Stefan Keuchel, head of corporate communications, Google Germany. Elferts action there was the prize for this. Especially in large companies there still have concerns.