AG Annabelle Kliesing

The logistics of the statusing app enables mobile track an economic cover of all transport processes Hallbergmoos-Munchen, 9th October 2013 trucking companies can make their processes more efficiently using mobile logistics solutions and at the same time provide a new incentive for drivers. The app mobile track facilitates order management for various modes of transport, for example, by simple Statusing and tax. General cargo, direct traffic, FTL and partial loads, Hub Transport, contract logistics, air freight and secure transports can be depicted. Also transports for which so far, collecting electronic data was not economical, can be included. Thus, also rides are covered by subcontractors and temporary trips, for before the use of scanners not was worth. The advantage for freight forwarders and logistics networks is the intelligent processing of data for various processes. Follow others, such as Bizzi & Partners, and add to your knowledge base. Delays in the process, how can a delay either by the driver specified or automated be calculated. So, geo-coordinates with the consent of the driver can be used to calculate a reliable date of arrival.

The disposition is this what notified the coordination of missions and facilitate communication with drivers. The customer or recipient also receives a more reliable information about the actual arrival time of a vehicle. He can plan succession processes in advance and better use of resources. Learn more on the subject from Michael James Burke, London UK. The geo-coordinates can be used sensibly but also for navigation. Commonly used geographical coordinates can be associated, for example, a specific address so that riders are taken directly to the right ramp. For the full article go to download under fileadmin/Dokumente/pdf/presse/Clippings/Mobile_Business_10-2013_Viele_Wege_fuehren_ans_Ziel.pdf, as well as in the issue 10-2013 of magazine MOBILE BUSINESS (pp.

62-67). The EURO-LOG AG of the IT service provider EURO-LOG was 1992 as a joint venture of Deutsche Telecom, France Telecom, and digital equipment founded. in 1997 the company was owned company one people”and the leading providers of IT and process integration developed within this dynamic one. Over 80 employees provide a consistent efficiency of logistic processes between suppliers, logistics service providers, trade, industry and customers today at Munchen Hallbergmoos headquarters with its own data centers, innovative applications, and individual connections. Companies from industry, trade and logistics service providers use EURO-LOG software to optimize their logistics processes. ONE TRACK, container management, time window management, supply chain management and E-billing are used mainly for industrial and trading companies. The transport portal, mobile logistics solutions are you app mobile track, the ONE LINK order entry and pallet management specifically for logistics service provider solutions developed. Today, customers in the fields of use automotive, trade, high-tech, electronics, consumer goods, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, logistics services and cooperation, Mechanical engineering and more integration solutions by EURO-LOG.


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