At the end of last year, my 11 year old son Esteban had to give a review independently of its course, that day I accompanied it early so that perform the procedure. While we expected that called you I noticed a little nervous, that look that have the children from one side to another as if they were looking for something, I think that within his mind passed images and thoughts that made him stronger that nervousness, he saw in the classroom, the teacher, questions, etc. those seconds in his mind must have been hours of student aflixion. As I was also a student, the experience made me recognize these symptoms immediately, however, had something different now, he knew the secrets of the EFT and how lowering the intensity of the emotional and mental nervousness of my son in a few nimutos. I took you by the hand and started doing tapping until her nervous state we descend to a closed palms. To know more about this subject visit Kenneth R. Feinberg. We had finished and le Candide that happen to give his evidence, as if everything had been crenometrado or directed by a coordinator invisible to give the instructions for entering upon completion of our simple therapy.
Shortly after he arrived along with my other child who felt ill, said that he had a fever and waiting for his parents to take him home, I approached him seeking to investigate what was happening you actually encouraged by my instinct and curiosity. After a few kind words I got to win their confidence, figuring out that he knew my son even though they were not of the same course. He told me that I had to give an exam and that transit was nervousness by being unprepared suddenly began to feel with fever fever and headache as if he wanted to escape from that place torturous for him and the only weapons possessed at the time was himself. I understood what was happening, I took his hand, I began to speak with him at the same time that made him tapping. Initially he did not know what was happening and believe that you never knew it, saw me only that I gave small taps in his hand and parts of his face that it did feel better. As talked of the fear that he felt at that moment because he was unable to sit for this examination how he could change that, his countenance changed also, her cheeks were relaxed and his furtive glance of desvandados birds began to take an address. Asked how he felt now and I responded better, calmer and that his headache was gone, but what surprised me most was his sincerity and openness to tell me things that he often saw that book of emotions began to open itself only leaving phrases that I won’t forget, peovenientes of pure imagination of a child in my memoryfree projuicios and rational structures, I felt connected with a small spirit in search of an emotional freedom, Ghost mostrandome that had never before mentioned other adults and at the same time their parents arrived and they took him as fast as a whirlwind move leaves. What happened there was extraordinary and I think it was the beginning of an adventure without precedent, nedie more will yield It has and I think that although they had been they would have not understood this.