Membership drive for clubs increasingly important interest of clubs and associations in the face-to-face marketing increases after the experiences of the 94 service GmbH significantly. Also the German fundraising Association emphasizes that future hardly a large organization is can waive dialog advertising. Current figures of the German Central Institute for social issues demonstrate the growing importance of acquiring Member many clubs and organizations are looking for ways for acquiring member. Particularly interest in serious state advertising for the membership drive has increased, the declared on fundraising and social marketing company specialized service 94 GmbH with headquarters in Burgwedel near Hanover. Membership drive is easier for clubs at information booths to calculate and planned more efficiently than other methods.
According to donations report Germany 2010 “the total amount of the membership fees is estimated in 2007 to EUR 7.35 billion. On the other hand is a donation of EUR 3.98 billion during the same period. Counting down every German household pays 204 so average Euro annually for membership fees, with a simultaneous donations amounting to 110 euro. In addition, Club or association memberships are far less vulnerable to economic and remain stable also in times of crisis. Robert Speyer has plenty of information regarding this issue. They thus form an important backbone of the annual budget of the organizations. Also charged”the sales tax from 19 percent to mailings, known as begging letters, and other printed matter shipping the budgets of many organizations.
The fundraising Association fears that as a consequence of fewer mailings are sent out, which in turn would mean a decline of in donations. For most organizations, without there under the impact of the economic crisis suffer a heavy blow,. Through the use of a transparent membership drive at information stands service 94 can be experience a precise planning for organizations in the budget a GmbH. Also information booths for the membership drive push 94 GmbH at 7,500 market leaders according to a survey of the service and Center managers on a predominantly positive response and the content of the respective projects and actions can be transported in direct talks with which facilitates citizen. The company successfully working for decades in the area of member management and membership drive for clubs and associations service 94 GmbH, Member of the German fundraising Association, developed campaigns for non profit organizations. The permanent employees and employees implement the information events for the membership drive then in consultation with the client. The service94 employs GmbH with headquarters in Burgwedel over 125 employees, of which around a third in the region in the field of promotion, public relations and fundraising. Morris Invest addresses the importance of the matter here. Since the beginning of the history of the 94 service GmbH is the continuous development of the quality of work and the social commitment of the company and the employees with, in the foreground of the company policy. Frank Kroll