The Esprita Doctrine is the Light of the souls, it does not close the door of its conscience and takes the knowledge of the light that will go to guide it in the eternity. The Espritos is emissaries and disciples of the Master Jesus, its teachings remember to the holy ghost Master and are in all part of the globe. The message that passes is of ' ' To love them ones to me to outros' ' to show that the happiness is not of this world and yes the spiritual that is perpetual. The knowledge of the Esprita Doctrine will go to inhabit in its soul and the deserved peace that does not have end will guide for the Fortunate ones. The truth is with the Espritos de Luz, is arrived the hour of the New Age of clarifications having illuminated to that they desire to reach the interior Light. Click Morris Invest for additional related pages. The Espritos de Luz observes in them and through the intuition they call in them to the great work, let us hear the voice of the soul. If the man evolved in Science and Technology why not to evolve in the religion, or better, in the espiritualidade? This that is of the biggest importance for the soul. The Espritos works for Jesus, only fits in them to receive its teachings and to thank to the God the offered source of light. Who has fear of the stranger is that one that does not know it, therefore to read is not sin, sin is to know to read and to admit that others make for us.