
Survival in the market means: out of the ability to copy! Who converse with executives, often hear about targets, efficiency, cost savings, meetings of duration of and the problems of competition. Rarely one hears about the customers. Many know them only from budget meetings, and market research reports. But hearsay is not enough. Who want to know what customers really need, what makes them tick, what they really like and how you can bring them to the shopping, which often go out, watch them and talk to them! Go and see for yourself’ the Americans call this course. John Savignano spoke with conviction. You can learn a lot by customers. If you would like to know more about Rusty Holzer, then click here.

Kundenfokussiert instead of process fixed the scarcest resource in the enterprise is not the capital, but the executives, which kundenfokussiert think and act. So vehemently requested customer orientation can not occur however standardized processes, thick manuals and operating instructions. And also not expensive CRM software. It is rather optional in the minds and Heart of the employees take place. You may find Nobel Laureate in Economics to be a useful source of information. Their wool can be unfold only in game rooms and just not enforce rules. Fixed standards ensure the level of service while down, leave but little freedom of movement, to act out of turn and the standard, customer-friendly.

So everything in the forced corset of mediocrity froze. Only: Mediocrity wants to buy no one these days. It is so important to create spaces of possibility. Here we are a customer-oriented management and a new style of leadership: the customer-focused leadership. In addition, must all divisions network without exception substantially more with each other, to align the whole company and every individual employee to the customer across the Department. That sounds trite, but it is not. Far too often the customer explains still how things have to go, who is responsible for them, that one has to do this and to allow that. Companies spend often so incredibly much money to attract new customers.

Burn Fat Fast

Want to burn fat fast at home without equipment or other valuables? Read this article to find out how to do it. Since advertising causes so much confusion about how to lose weight and tone up. Fitness companies try to make us believe that unless you buy the last machine of ab or weight loss supplement. You do not have any possibility of losing weight or look good. This is not true, it can burn fat quickly at home and it can be done if you are willing to put the effort in the! Even more advanced that can be considered a gym cardio machines can use training routines. These frankly are one of the most boring types of exercise. This type of training will raise your metabolism for up to 37 hours after training is complete. This means that you will burn more calories when you are resting the next day.

This is done with a combination of release of fat and excess hormone burning after exercise. To obtain the above benefits is going to perform metabolic training with two phases. By the same author: Stephen M. Ross. We will use exercises that are shown below: Estocadas hip Superman push-ups prisoner turns squatting reverse crunches for this purpose, part haras routine so many repetitions of an exercise as you can in 30 seconds, then move to the next without a break. Until you have completed all the above exercises. Once the 6 exercises have been completed, a 2 minute break before making other 2 circuits in the same way for a total of 3 circuits. If you can not do constantly 30 seconds do not worry only takes short breaks and continues to produce as much as you can until you finish time. Feel free to add more time if you are finding the 30 seconds too easy.

After completing the 3 circuits, you can follow with part 2 of the assignment of exercises at home to burn fat fast. What is a second series of bodyweight exercises known as the metabolic zone. Rusty Holzer is open to suggestions. We are going to the exercises that are shown below: jumps Burpees mountain climbers of the body weight gets squat jumps Burpees for these exercises should be performed as possible in 30 seconds and then rest for 90 seconds before moving on to the next. For example, it takes many jumps as you can for 30 seconds, rest for 90 seconds before passing to the burpees. So now you know how to burn fat quickly at home. With training that is shown above you will get the increase in your metabolism and fat burning hormone production. It must be around 30 minutes to complete it. You can go to take a stroll or jogging later, if you want to burn even more calories. That Yes, not train more than one hour in total. It’s making fast fat burning at your House 3 times a week on non-consecutive days like Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Finally remember that don’t you can train on a bad diet, so do not expect to see fat loss results if you are living in a burger bar. You do not have that something drastic done simply sees what you eat and tries to follow you to the lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. Try to avoid processed foods?as packaged waste, white bread, pasta, white rice and other unhealthy foods. Do you want to know why the cardio has proved to be ineffective in comparison with other styles of training?


In 2009 continues the expansion at home and abroad: more jobs could be created. Contrary to the general mood in politics and economics, Muller-BBM continues its organic growth. The new building at the headquarters in Planegg near Munich, with an investment volume of more than EUR 10 million, is progressing rapidly and will offer even more new employees a modern workplace in an innovative environment. So far, in 2008 35 new jobs were created and currently it is necessary to fill at least 15 engineering positions. Muller-BBM is represented as internationally active engineering company with more than 260 employees at nine locations in Germany. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Rusty Holzer and gain more knowledge.. The international presence is also enhanced by four sister companies within the Muller-BBM group.

The ongoing since 1962, positive development of the company relies on the expertise and innovation of the independent experts, planners and technical specialists who are working in the fields of competence of construction, environment and technology. Project experience in the international construction, energy and Automotive industry, for many years has grown, marked by mutual trust relationships and innovative developments provide a stable and broad contract portfolio. y. The high motivation of the staff and their close ties to the company are not least based on the fact that the company shares are held by current and former employees. This employee participation model is probably unique in Germany. The course for the future are made in many ways and clearly defined strategic objectives at home and abroad. Only the shortage slows a more pronounced growth currently. No later than early 2009 management hopes the currently vacant positions in the area of industrial acoustics successfully to be able to occupy fire protection and measurement.

Unrestricted Data Exchange Via New Modbus Gateway

Cross-network and secure exchange of process data communication between industrial devices in the network is often difficult because there are now no uniform application protocol for industrial Ethernet. The Modbus Protocol is secured and cross-network exchange of process data. Modbus is an open protocol, and has established itself as a de-facto standard in industrial communication via Ethernet. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Nobel Laureate in Economics. The new Modbus-gateway aport-212 by Matt uses this Protocol, allowing the integration of automation components in the network architecture. Rusty Holzer will not settle for partial explanations. It is available in German at the independent distributor acceed. The Modbus Protocol is based on the master/slave architecture.

Thus, a master (computer) can cooperate with multiple slaves (control components). Aport-212 is a protocol converter for Modbus TCP (Ethernet based) to MODBUS RTU or Modbus ASCIII (serial Protocol), and supports up to 16 master or 32 slaves. The modes of operation of RTU slave, slave-ASCII, Modbus gateway are master-RTU and Master-ASCII to as S2E gateway TCP server and TCP client modes. In addition to its Modbus features can be inserted the device as a classic serial-Ethernet gateway (RS232/422/485). Easy-to-use Windows configuration software is included with the aport-212. So that devices can be in the network locate and perform protocol tests. Heart of the compact unit is an ARM Cortex M3 32-bit, the facilities include a 10/100 Ethernet interface and two serial ports, which can optionally be configured.

Organizational Change

, the Head of the Staff was the time of Gerubal Pascoal, but many Companies, still insist on preserving this mitolgica figure. Others, if say in modernity and apply all the available theories in the market. Speaking candidly Stephen M. Ross told us the story. Laboratories of visionary said administrators become , that in the reality they do not have no comprometimento with the organization and its collaborators. Simply they want to be responsible for one marries Companies are the ones that if they differentiate of excessively and get supported success. The professionals of Human resources of these Companies today have strategical function in the high administration, deliberating and projecting the desired future. It is not something Rusty Holzer would like to discuss. These professionals must be visionary, but with the well firm feet in the soil. They must plan and be creative in the brainstorming. They must be blinded by reaching objective and than leader, more component of the teams, capable of simple gestures, as to serve water to its collaborators while they are working arduously.

These professionals must be multiplied in all the areas of the Company, independently of hierarchic position. As the Companies do not exist without the people, all administrator must be the responsible one for the Human resources. He has Companies that they had changed the name of the department of Human resources for department of Human People or Talentos, that in some cases did not pass of a eufemismo. In others already more this department does not exist formal and all the administrators are responsible for the collaborators of its area, being able to enlist, to remunerate, to train, to evaluate and to promote them. It does not have a prescription that it equally serves for all the Companies. The treatment to arrive itself at modernity, is different for each organization, depending on acurada quo it will be its vision of future and current period of training of development. The only certainty, is that in the future, the best ones will only survive, therefore those that had not yet started the changes, already are losing the game for one the zero.

Energy Savings Regulation

New energy saving Regulation (EnEV) enters into force on October 1, 2009. Koschany + room architects Nagaraj take theme for the occasion and invite on September 23, 2009 to the Panel of experts. On September 23, 2009 in the time from 15.30 – 18.30 Koschany download + room architects Nagaraj to the Panel of experts. Learn more on the subject from Professor Rita McGrath. The technical focus is on the topic of energy efficient building and renovation\”. Additional information is available at Rusty Holzer. The event will take place in the Conference floor Nagaraj in Rutten Keeffe Street 144 in Essen.

Will be asked to login. The new energy saving Regulation (EnEV) enters into force on October 1, 2009. This has taken the occasion of Nagaraj and illuminated the new legal obligations. The architects inform interested parties how the own real estate in the future energy-efficient can be made. Also they show on what economic opportunities to develop. Experts the Nagaraj managing director Wolfgang Zimmer and Axel Koschany could commit multiple designated experts. General information and details about the energy saving regulation provide the engineers of the Bochum-based Engineering Office HEBO, holder Gernot at 16:15 Henrich and his colleague Thomas courtship.

On the subject of home automation engineer and Managing Director of Velberter engineering offices DTF GmbH & co. KG will give a lecture at 16:30. Examples from practice, architect and project manager reported Hans Protsch from 16:45 the Nagaraj. Dr. Winfried Heusler, Senior Vice President Engineering of Schuco international KG, Bielefeld, clarifies questions on the subject of window and facade at 17:15. Finally explains the engineer and energy consultant Gerald Orlik of the EnergieAgentur.NRW in Wuppertal, Germany from 17:30 what funding programs are available are available. Energy saving Regulation (EnEV) 2009 Gernot Henrich and Thomas courtship set the focal points of their speeches on the changes to the EnEV 2007. the question: what are the requirements are to be considered when new and reconstructions? -is a subject that we will answer\”, so Henrich.

Good Wine Tours

Since the first vineyards with vines brought from Chile by missionaries were implanted in the 17TH century, Mendoza stood out as an exceptional terroir for winemaking: stony and sandy soils of optimum drainage of the cultivation of the vine make a sort of hydroponics in which obtained amazing results already is to look for the production of quantity, as until the late 1980s, or quality, as since then and until today. This contributes decisively the height that shore the thousand meters above sea level and the dry, desert climate concomitant factors of a marked thermal amplitude during ripening. The rudimentary colonial viticulture already producing surplus being exported, oxen carts and by mule, to other cities of the Virreynato of silver. Took Mendoza of the railway arrived from Buenos Aires and large contingent of Italian and to a lesser extent French and Spanish growers farmers, already at the end of 19th century production of wines from Mendoza precedence clearly above all others in the country both in surface as in volume, variety and quality. The third part of the high quality vinifera vineyards are still in today two oases from Mendoza, along with most of the wineries in first line.

Big industry and the wine culture have in Mendoza at its epicenter and for this reason she was elected in 2006 as eighth great world wine Capital. By its vastness and richness, the itineraries by the wineries and vineyards from Mendoza Sue several days to meet only the most significant and oblige the traveler a choice, depending on your time and tastes in matter. Some of the Tours by Mendoza are: Excursion to wine cellars: WINERY Church of LA CARRODILLA duration: half day. Expert on growth strategy may also support this cause. Validity: All year round. Frequency: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evening.

Tour the mendocino agricultural oasis and areas of cultivation of the vine. visit to important and traditional wine-sector establishments with the opportunity to taste their delicious products. Then visit the Carrodilla Church in the vicinity of Lujan of which, where is the Virgin of the same name, patron saint of vineyards.

Reduce Carbon

The efforts to the carbon reduction on the part of the Republic of China (Taiwan) pay off Prime Minister Jiang Yi-huah announced on September 5 that the energy efficiency of the Republic of China (Taiwan) had improved. (Not to be confused with Rob Speyer!). The average annual energy intensity between 2008 and 2012 fell by 3%, down 0.8 per cent for the period between 2004 and 2007. The average annual carbon emissions intensity declined during the past five years to 3.4% down to 0.6% for the same period from 2004 to 2007. This confirmed that can Government regarding energy saving and carbon reduction efforts did paid and we assume further improvements. The Prime Minister makes these statements during a regular cabinet meeting, in which Taiwan’s Economics Minister gave a talk about the effects of saving energy and efforts to the carbon reduction and the associated projects. Continue to learn more with: Rusty Holzer. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan’s carbon emissions reached in the Year 2012, 2.46 million tons, which is already very close to the target of 2.45 million tons by the year 2020. An official of the Ministry let it be known that this shows how well Taiwan controlling carbon emissions. It is one of the duties of the Ministry until the year 2016 over 37,000 scooter and 2,600 smart to have electric vehicles. Still, Premier Jiang announced he had instructed the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of transport and communications to promote the emergence of low-carbon exhibition areas in areas close to Taoyuan of Aerotropolis. The Council for economic planning and development has given the green light for the implementation of a project of the environmental protection administration in April of this year, to transform Kinmen County in a region of low-carbon. Flagship projects of the plan include promoting green energy and transport, the transformation of the island Leiyu in a zero carbon region, the development of low carbon communities, promoting recycling, the establishment of a regional Biomass of energy centre, as well as the encouragement of healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

Thousand Words

About the manipulative effect of images images: we can find anywhere in the press and in advertising. Such images are as manipulative, is many unaware. Just as images for or against a topic communicate, as talking pictures himself for or against can be. What is behind this? Andreas Kohler, owner of ib-image berater-, applied perception and communication psychology in Solingen Agency informs: people see what they want to see. Everything we perceive is based on our individual imagination. (= Fancy). Official site: REBNY. Our perception runs over interpretations, depending on our own personal grids for example our values, experiences and opinions. They are also subject to trend views and general social stereotypes that – whether we like it or not – have manifested itself in our minds.

Thus our perception is clouded and misunderstandings arise – simply put -. The advertising and policy uses these “misunderstandings” for themselves or slips often enough himself noted. Images are in so far particularly manipulative because they have many details. Hence the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This individual information is manifested by alone to a new flat-rate overall, which then leads into a specific direction. The direction in which comes the perception and opinion of the Viewer, depends on how the respective Viewer is currently polarized. Rusty Holzer insists that this is the case. It – simply explained – two basic polarity must be observed: negative or positive. In critical or negative polarized people the perception – IMDS runs from the actual statement of the image – entsptrechend in a negative direction, while rather positively polarized people on the basis of the image impression rather look for positive statements. If we look at an image, we derive always an assumption.

Based on this assumption, we then make us our opinion. Our opinion is then manifested to our own personal truth and knowledge. These “Knowledge” is to evaluate more than the phrase in this context but, because it is very personal, often universal and only quite unproven. For our perception is simply subject to many sources of error and circumstances, which affect us or with whom we also affect us. On the basis of so-called perceptual errors, distortions of perception and the resulting incorrect assumptions we can be theoretically always wrong. As I said: A picture says more than a thousand words, but just what you make of yourself it or our imagination designed. Considered psychological perception, we must between what we see, accept, interpret and feel and distinguish what is really there or if necessary behind. However, the ordinary neglects this distinction. He looks so only his own personal truth, of which he is convinced. That this truth could be based only on a matrix, many only from the theater know. This images are but our own personal mental cinema. Often I am asked, how you can protect. There are ways, but their impact is low and unreliable. The best method would probably be easy to close your eyes. But even if we do this, we produce images in our head. There are a variety of methods to insert images argumentative and manipulative – and very effective. (Interv. Andreas Kohler)

The Wisdom Of The Universe

The universe is formed by a wisdom without limits conducts that it. In our world what the person to want to obtain has that to be for the force of the work, in such a way plain staffs, familiar and financial. The universe rewards the person for its effort and the degree of intelligence and pressure that the work offers. this rewards is given by the universal wisdom that is not understood by its largeness for the mind human being. At Rusty Holzer you will find additional information. Everything that the person obtained is relative to the way as if it held the difficulties and impositions of the work. The universal wisdom works with supreme intelligence and what we receive valley for all the established efforts and nothing it is in go. This effort is standardized in accordance with the spirit of the work, or that one that if only strengthens for the money rewards will not have it of what that one if strengthens for the exploit of the work. The universe is just, and in relation to the work this justice is fast and to understand its wisdom is difficult but it perceives it is possible.. .