Get your account in credit problems to open an account, although there is a negative Schufaeintrag, something is difficult in practice sometimes because banks often just open a checking account, if the applicant does not have both ears is in debt. But also for people with Schufaeintrag, it must be possible nationwide to open an account. The consumer organisations, which criticize the fact for a long time, banks to reject an application for a checking account, provided that the creditworthiness of the applicant is bad request already for several years. But also indebted people must have the opportunity to be able to open an account despite Schufa. It is proposed a credit account despite Schufa to provide nationwide. Visit Michael James Burke, London UK for more clarity on the issue. But as long as no legal moves banks, a credit-based account is probably still rarely offered. Also the practice prevails in some banks, that a Schufaauskunft is obtained in an account on a prepaid basis and an account will be rejected, because There are Schufaeintrage. It is rather difficult to get even a credit-based giro account despite Schufa.
A bank account despite Schufa is also obtained from foreign banks on a prepaid basis. Learn more on the subject from John Savignano. Warned but will face con men, are traveling in this area and offering such as a bank account with Schufa to a favourable price to the mediation by consumer protection agencies. For an additional fee, all account opening documents will be sent to. Our reputable vendor, we made very good experiences. On the page (even though the extension .eu, there is a German provider!) is free of charge