The Developers

Includes a brush with a small setae. First you "sprayed" onto the surface of pairs of clothes from a distance, and then pass the brush, and sucks the condensate with dirt. Very effective! According to machine tool is very easy to clean the fur, as well as live plants, especially those that can not be wiped with a napkin. This applies to ferns and other similar domestic plants. Processing plant steam in the distance, you will not only clean, but also disinfects them. See will very clean.

As for the fur. K & D attached additional small brush. If you put on her specially stitched pouch that is included, and hold on the fur, the bag will be black. This applies to all coats, including including mink. Checked! Fur very well cleaned with steam. The device works and how the steam.

Can be stripped velvet stuff, curtains, etc. But you first need to choose the right distance from the stripped surface, because if the fabric is very delicate, it may be a great spot from the condensation of steam. The developers have paid special attention to ensuring that this unit has been quietly as possible. And in comparison tests with other models of "Space" shows the best results. When working with iron there is no noise at all. ach produces steam but does not make noise and not a whiz at this. What type of water poured into the housing ako? Manufacturer does not insist on boiled water – You can use plain water from the tap.


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