For competent repair flat stages and the sequence of all the works should plan in detail. Only in this case, you will have the opportunity to do the calculations, materials, and work will be needed to each stage. Only in this way, it is possible to complete the repair of an apartment within a reasonable time and quality. The article goes on our directory builder step by step parses the order and types of work. 1. Preparations for the repair. Of course we should start with the dirtiest jobs.
This is especially important for apartments purchased in the secondary housing market. The first things have to start (in the case of redevelopment), the dismantling of , then dismantling the sexes, Remove communications. Those who bought in new homes, too difficult to do without cost to the new layout. In many cases, the organization that led the work, produces the rough, finishing work, such as plastering and filling ties. In such situations, you need to check the quality of these works and in finding the voids, or cracks to fix trouble spots. Following that advice to guide the builder is replaced window frames and window sills.
2. Go to the next phase of repairs to be handled with special care, the laying of water distribution systems and electrical wiring. If the pipes are no problems money had to be, they are hidden in special boxes. Then an electrician question is more difficult. Lay the wire is necessary so that later they were at those points where in the future they could be damaged dowels for hanging furniture, nails or anything either similar. 3. Alignment of the sexes. Contractors work that do tend to very badly, and you have to turn to private masters. If you think you have to redo the floors, then make this work is recommended First of all, a full screed drying times 30-45 days. 4. Further, we have for handbook builder painting. This stage requires particular attention and precision in the work, the walls are aligned with the putty mixture. The wall is smooth, if a rule 2m observed gaps no more than 2mm. After that, polished to be as perfectly smooth condition and to get rid of dust soil. 5. Approach to the finish. After priming the walls, you can raise the door. The doors and boxes, to avoid any damage, it is better to close the plastic wrap. In order not to lose time, together with the installation of doors, you can keep the painting of slopes, ceilings, install plumbing appliances, wallpaper glue and lay flooring. Now all you have to supply switches, sockets, baseboard and trim. Actually, all maintenance is finished and can move into an apartment.