
A crucial factor in a student’s language is the language courses with an international flair. Students have the choice between a host family or a residence here. While the lessons and activities for all are the same, despite the decision of the accommodation should be well thought-out. The accommodation is its individual character of the journey. Students in a dormitory of the College or in a youth hostel are accommodated in a residence. Characteristic accommodation with other young people together here. Da real college feeling comes up.

The short distances to come to the lessons and activities. Students who are housed in a residence, are right in the middle. In the summer, the universities in England are often used as schools. So the residences are no longer busy with students, but with young people from around the world who take a student study trip to England. A special ambiance and space to international friendships.

The Accommodation in a host family is interesting especially for those who want to dive during their study into the culture of the host country. Dinner invites to the chat and the student learns much about the family and the host country. A stay in the host family is very conducive for the language skills, finally is here of course on the language spoken. A high degree of customization willingness and openness obviously requires the student to be a guest in a foreign family. However, that is rewarded with a whole new experience. The life in a foreign household well prepared for more travel and abroad. Although many differences to the home will find the young people, but also many similarities can be found and the global cohesion will be strengthened in this way. Factors such as age and personality of the language student should be considered when deciding on the accommodation. Younger students are often better placed in a residence, older Young people have often the challenge host family during their youth learn to engage in pleasure. It is usually observed by language travel organizer. On children language courses, host families are often not available as accommodation.

Ambient Education And The Ecological Sensitization In The Construction Of The Citizenship

RESUMOEste article considers it to argue the proposals of pertaining to school the Ambient Education noambiente, the form as it is education comes being inserted eensinada for the professors in its classrooms. The contribution Ambient dEducao for the formation of a social citizen, critical eresponsvel for practical partner-ambient. Pautada in autonomiacrtica in relation to the ambient questions and contributing for oequilbrio between the man and the nature. Detaching the process formativoda Ambient Education in the development of the citizenship. In this context, we emphasize the paper of the professor while transforming agent in suaprxis and the promotion of the sensitization of the citizens in relation ambient squestes and to promote action of support of meioambiente. Word-keys: Education.

Professor. Support. Meioambiente. Ambient AEducao introduction has enters its proposals the preservation of the environment. For intermediary, of the promotion of Ambient education the citizen adquiriconhecimentos, that, makes possible a change of attitude in relation to meioambiente. Deacordo with Durkheim: The education is the action exerted adult pelasgeraes on the generations that still do not meet prepared for eager social; it has for object to excite and to develop, in the child, certain physical number deestados, intellectual and moral, complained for the society politics, it noseu joint, and for the special way the one that the child particularly if destines. (DURHEIM, 1967.

P. 41) Destemodo, as much the formal education, how much the informal one has as function to infuse ecological umaconscincia, as well as developing a preservacionista position nosalunos. In way, that can develop a critical autonomy in relation ambient squestes and contributing for the balance between the man and anatureza. In this context, quea ambient education is observed has a paper of utmost importance. Therefore, ' ' the education, sejaformal, informal or ambient, if only complete when the person can arrive aosprincipais moments of its life to think for proper itself, to act as the seusprincpios, life according to its critrios' '.