The initial intention age to exempt Albertina of those terrible moments, therefore immediately had bought a cheese bread to saciar the hunger of it. It intended to give a temporary shelter for until she found somebody made use to adopt it definitively. More the days had been if passing and that feeling of mercy it was if transformed for passion and of passion it transformed if into love. Soon in the first days, to only think that some of the candidates could lead Albertina she stops far from it, it until cried. There the namorada one of the protector of Albertina entered in scene that also was gotten passionate for it and now was the two to cry to only think about the hour of the possible one> separation. It does not need to say more nothing and Albertina finished definitively adopted for the couple of boyfriends and today harvest of coconuts of all the stewardships that who only loves dismissal to the loved person. Reason is not known the affectionate name of Albertina and Nina and Does not clink, as correct it would be, but in certain case of love things are one how much in such a way inexplicable. thus Nina or Albertina, as they want, if became a perpetual love and became if sister of creation of the Lana. This is one history cachorrinha that it left the gutter for the rank of one of the two princesses of a couple that adores dogs.