It establishes the distinction between society politics (the State) and the civil society, that is, between the public and the private one. For Locke the property is object of the inheritance (the Father transmits the property to the children); already the power politician if does not transmit for the inheritance, therefore it must have a democratic origin, for the parliamentary way. ' ' In the Average Age, the society and the State (to be able politician) are non-separable, are interlaceds thing, are transmitted together; in the modern bourgeois society these two aspects are separate, therefore in the civil society transmission of the property exists, but it does not have transmission of the power poltico' '. (Gruppi, Luciano. Everything started with Maquiavel.
Porto Alegre: L& P.m. Publishing Ltda, P. 16). The CONCEPTION OF EMMANUEL KANT (1724-1804) In Kant is clear the idea of the formation of the Liberal State (economic Liberalism). It affirms that the sovereignty belongs to the people, what it discloses an ideal democratic (what does not meet in Locke, therefore, for this, the society is born of a contract and the sovereignty of the people does not exist). Kant, after to affirm that the sovereignty belongs to the people, classifies the people in independent citizens and not-independent citizens: – independent, ' ' (…) they are the ones that can state an opinion politics, that can decide the politics of the State? they are the citizens who do not depend on others, that is, the proprietors (grifei) ' '.
(Gruppi, op. cit. p. 16). Excessively, the ones that are not proprietors, are not independent and they cannot express opinion politics. The rights active politicians only fit to the proprietors. Kant says that the sovereignty belongs to the people, but it restricts it only to a group, denying the rights politicians to the not-proprietors. Essence of Liberalism: the indissocivel relation between property and freedom.