Log Houses

Minced and cobbled walls of the house In order to cut down, and then right sobratrublenny house '> log house, one must possess the appropriate knowledge and most importantly no small experience that comes only years practice. So if you do not have such experience, it is best to entrust the construction of log houses an experienced team of builders from 3 – 4 people, which included must have at least one professional carpenter. Main information on the construction of log houses in this article will help you choose the right building material, as well as competently monitor the construction activities and monitor the quality of the building. Walls log houses built from wood harvesting winter conifer or hardwood, as in a minimal amount of water timber, it is easier to handle and it is less prone to shrinkage, warping and decay than Summer harvesting timber. For the construction of the walls at home are chopped flat timber with a minimum of 'run away' (a maximum of 1 cm to 1 m). Diameter (thickness) of logs selected in accordance with minimum temperatures in winter Time: 22 – 24 cm when the temperature is less than -30 degrees and 24 – 36 cm – at Bole low temperatures. For the construction of cottages should be fine beam thickness of 18 – 20 cm from the timber for 2 – 4 cm smaller diameter are collected at construction of log houses inside the walls. When you build a log house logs laid wreaths in a horizontal position.


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