A rare happy owner of a private house, villas, cottages or apartments thinking about winter, the beautiful, warm, summer day. And when it's cold season and the battery barely warm to the touch and you have to wrap up in wool sweaters, constantly chasing electric heaters. In such cases, only the dream of a warm summer. Should I suffer? In order to keep warm in winter and make your house really warm – we need decisive action. Must adjust heating. You can start with changing the batteries obsolete goals, installation of modern heating. Such measures are relevant to residents of various cities: Ekaterinburg, Tyumen, Moscow, Vladivostok and others, any points in Russia. Where start, you ask? How to choose a reliable radiator? Radiator – is a device which circulates heated to a certain temperature heat transfer fluid (water or antifreeze).
Heatsink design provides efficient transfer of heat from the coolant in a heated room. Types of heaters by way of heat transfer in a heated room all the heaters are divided into three types: radiation, convection-radiation and convection. Radiation type heaters transfer heat by radiation (radiation). For example: ceiling radiators, sectional cast iron radiators, tubular radiators. Instruments convective-radiative type provide space heating by radiation and convection in about equal proportions. To this type belong sectional aluminum radiators, steel sectional radiators bimetallic heaters, tubular heaters, convectors. To the heater convective type up to 90% are such that the bulk of its heat into the surrounding space transfer by convection, ie Air Circulation bottom-up through a heated ribbed surface of the device.