Rental Contract

The contract of rent in Spain is covered by law Law 29/1994 of 24 November, tenancies and alterations made to the Act in another law 19/2009 of 23 November with which is intended to streamline the process of eviction in cases of non-payment of rent. There are many people interested in looking for contract models, because it is desirable and necessary for both the lessor and the lessee in order to cover legally to possible breaches by some parties and more specifically when the administration offers aid to rent as is the case with young people for emancipation with ages up to age 30 in which casethe presentation of a rental contract is essential. In such contracts should detail some essential aspects and many others less necessary that we want detail as it can be the patrimonial elements and the status thereof at the time of the delivery of the keys. Of course, will have to include personal data and address, codigo postal with nif inclusive, the expiration date of the contract, the amount of rent that we will charge every month with detail of as possible hikes will be reviewed and periods, which in general is sule do based on the consumer price index. We must also establish who will pay different costs of services of supplies like light, gas, community, etc, and possible repairs. Also indicate if the tenant can sublet or not both partially as total and in short everything that we deem of interest for the record in the contract.


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