Brand Barrier

Partial solution to this problem is to reduce the mounting operations. In the case of the barriers eg brand ozds M-3, which are technically ready component systems that do not require additional operations to clean up and terminal strip center conductor, mounting the barrier is greatly simplified. Sufficient to fix the barrier at the surface and clamped to a preset terminal block end of the high-voltage wire. In this case, there is a reduction in installation time and reducing errors installers. In addition, the barrier Brand ozds M-3 has improved, compared with similar products, performance. Compact design and high quality materials used in the manufacture of the barrier, can achieve High resistance to external mechanical influences. Taking into account the bending profile of foundations and the thickness of the adhesive joint elevation of the barrier above the surface on which it is attached, not exceeds 10 mm, which significantly increases resistance to pull-off force and other possible physical damage during regular operation.

The third error is often encountered during examination of the systems installed ozds – this is the wrong cable connections to bpi, and to bwi. Switching supply cables must be carried out in strict order. Violation of polarity leads to the exit of the base unit bpi failed. Co-mounted terminal blocks for Switching power supply cables bpi and the bwi increase the likelihood of errors fitter. By long-distance cabling is not possible to pre- cable connector that eliminates false connection. Therefore, switching feeders require special attention from installers. To improve the mounting hardware-software complex “OZDS-M uses separate power terminal blocks bpi and the power of stb. Wiring the gain and the barrier is recommended to perform with a special high-voltage cables, such as brand PVMt-40, provides the necessary degree of protection against high voltage breakdown.

Damage to the high voltage cable, even partial, such as cut, is unacceptable, because creates the conditions for leakage of electric charge. The ends of high voltage cable PVMt-40 cleaned of insulation just enough to ensure good contact with terminals. Presence of a region of exposed wire between the insulation and the terminal plate is unacceptable. The desire of some installation companies to save on the replacement of specialized high Cable cheaper brands of cable utility turns customer malfunction of the system ozds as a whole.


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