Electrical Consumption

These are several of the advice who you can use to save until in a 20% in the consumption of his home. The electricity is one of the most important factors in our daily life, with which we could not live at the present time. For that reason its consumption with moderation is important as much in the ecological scope as in the economic saving. This economic saving taking still more force at the moments of world-wide crisis in which we were. For that reason it is important to take care of details that can make us save until a 20% in our invoice of light.

For it first that there is to know clearly it is the objective that is persecuted. In this case it is the saving of electrical energy. This objective begins since we acquired an electric appliance. It is important to compare what is the electric home appliance that can more interest to us having in account the consumption that it generates. This consumption appears in the manual of the own apparatus, that usually comes measured in Watts or kilowatts, so that whichever major is this greater amount will be the consumption. Another aspect to have in whatever is the operation that has the oldest apparatuses. These lose efficiency and therefore they consume more along than they are used.

It is for that reason that is important to have a control exceeds they and to know if to some consumption as much electricity that is not profitable its use. One of the apparatuses that can produce majors losses is the refrigerator or freezer. It is important to make sure his good operation. It is recommended that a minimum space of 15 cm with respect to the back wall is left. Also he is basic to make sure that well the door closes to avoid that the cold escapes and to do so the refrigerator works of less intense way. On the other hand he is not advisable that is accumulated much ice in the walls of the freezer. You can defrost it every three months. Other apparatuses, as they can be televisions, equipment of music, videoconsolas, etc. continue consuming energy even though they go out. One is the Stand-by system, and it is possible to be appreciated when extinguishing these apparatuses it is a small own red light or green of each equipment. If this apparatus is not going to be used during a long time he is recommendable to unplug it of the electrical current. All these advice must complement themselves with the appropriate use of the illumination in our houses, since it is greater electrical consumption than he takes place in our homes. For that reason it is important to follow the following advice: 1. To take advantage of to the maximum and as far as possible the light the sun. 2. To extinguish the lights of the cockpits in which there is nobody. 3. To use lights of low consumption that can consume less up to 5 times than the common ones. Finally, it is important to also control the conditioned air equipment. These generate great consumptions of electricity. For that reason it is important to maintain them in good state, cleaning them, replacing the filters with regularity and using them only when it is necessary.


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