Lodging Property Deductions

On the property are entitled to deduct all the citizens of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation receiving income taxable at the rate of personal income tax of 13%. If you belong to this category – be aware that the state is obliged to refund up to 13 percent paid for the purchase of the property amount. To be more precise, the purchase of the property issued to the property after January 1, 2008 you are entitled to a tax refund of up to 260 000! Yes, you heard right – 260 000 back. If you bought an apartment or house prior to that date – 130 000. Not bad money, right? All you need to do – to gather the required documents, obtain a 3-PIT declaration, apply for a property deduction, and if joint ownership, it is also a statement on the distribution of wealth and pass the deduction of the entire set of documents to the tax office at the place of registration.

And here where the questions … What documents do I need? For what it is amount of property can claim the deduction was I? And how do I get the money? How to apply for a tax refund? And so on and so forth, these questions are endless. When it comes to the design of 3-PIT Declaration here there are still great difficulties, because the first person to fill a 3-PIT, this problem does not seem easy. What's the solution? Search for a person who could help with money to answer questions and to issue a declaration? Perhaps, yes. We'll have to go to him, spend time sitting in traffic jams, take him to a pile of documents and wait until he can find spare time to pay attention to you … Yes, it's all possible … But if you value your time, we offer you the best solution to this issue. Our service was created for people who value personal time and not exchanged for nothing.

We offer a complete solution for the registration of property deduction from your required to pass one test on our site, send the necessary clearance for the 3-PIT declaration given to us and relax. The next day, you can print the executed declaration to be sent to you by e-mail, and collecting accurate documents (you will find a list of passing our test) to submit all documents to the tax office. And after a maximum of 4 months will receive notice of the transfer a round sum to your bank account. Wow, really! All the calculations – in any way convenient for you (the Savings Bank, WebMoney, Yandex.Money) Many believe that the declaration must be submitted before April 30, otherwise it's too late. But the return of property not covered by deducting it! Serve 3-PIT declaration even in December and receive a tax refund. On our site you will find all necessary information for the collection of documents on property deduction. Visit today and get executed declaration tomorrow! We respond to questions. Free and easy. This is not a publicity stunt. For us koienty – it's not just the people have already paid us the money. For us our clients – all who encounter problems with the return of property deduction. And we help. Not everything in this world is decided by money. Please contact us for help and we will meet your expectations!. Sincerely, Igor Danilov (Igor.Danilov @ platiizdoma.ru) Service Dress DOMA.RU ()


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