Mountain Ride

The region of which is which is the best place to enjoy outdoor activities. From there the amount of tours in Mendoza is so abundant and varied. For those who love walks outdoors with a little physical demand, a horse ride in the mountains can be a compelling proposition. Horse riding can be one of the more relaxing activities during our vacation in Mendoza. Since the horses pass tranquilamentepor rivers and mountains, the landscape can be seen during the ride, to the point of considering to the mountains, the hills and rivers as travel companions.

The excursions planned for horse riding can be trips short or longer, as the expedition to the Cordillera de los Andes. Some of these trips include the crossing of the Andes to Chile. Being part of the crossing of the Andes on horseback is one of the most exciting rides that you can experience in the region of whose. With a duration of one week or more, the Group of riders delves into the heart of the Cordillera de los Andes. There they have the opportunity to enjoy, so unique and unrepeatable, the stunning beauty of the mountains and hills. They can also indulge and refresh with the crystal clear waters of lagoons and high mountain streams, whose flow is the product of the last thaw.

Both in spring and in summer, you can see different species of native vegetation, hovering between the ancient rocks. The characteristic fauna is also present, to amaze visitors with its colors and its diversity. In the course of the parade, either touring the mountain or crossing to Chile, hikers will be able to share experiences with the guide of the Group and with the baqueanos that will appear on the road, and learn about life and the habit of the inhabitants of the high mountains. If you are not convinced, visit Professor Rita McGrath. In this way, the trip acquires a cultural and social connotation in addition to the sport that involves the exertion of horseback riding. During the stay in the Cuyo region, nothing compares with the excursions in Mendoza, with its vast landscapes of majestic mountains and turbulent rivers with clean and pure water. The senses seem to not reach to understand and feel so much beauty, so natural and diverse.


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