There are multiple types of marking, and on this occasion I will in particular tell of one who has been there more than 200 years: the marking of lithography. This type of marking, created in the year 1796 by Aloys Senefelder, is currently used for obtaining and duplication of works of art. The technique used in this type of marking is based on the offset between hydrophobic and hidrfilicas substances, i.e. water is used to reject or accept certain fats inks. The funny thing of lithographic marking is your matrices are planograficas, i.e., are at the same level, those in which it is printed and which not.
Regarding the manual technique, the tint formation consists of adhering fat and resinous inks on paper, which is made the drawing that seeks to play to the end. This accession is what precisely causes a metallic or calcareous SOAP that does not dissolve and that means the basis of signals of such printing. In the year of 1835, this type of marking He managed their reproduction in colors, what was called chromolithography. Multiple inks are therefore performed as needed for playback, which results in a final record from a record on each color paper cross. A. Verastegui hold.